
One-Stop-Shop for
Scanned Document Digitization

Document Scanning and Digitization Software


Ai-powered digitization of scanned and parsed documents for over 112 clients in South-East Asia. InDigize offers state-of-the-art extraction and classification of unstructured and structured data within the documents.

InDigize covers accurate parsing and OCR reading of all financial documents including ITR, salary slips, invoices, and more across the BFSI industry. The platform scans and digitizes financial, medical, ID cards, and all other forms of documents with 100% accuracy and delivers them in the custom formats as required by the clients

2 Billion Documents Digitized

100% Accuracy

One Minute TAT Per Page

Steps to Digitize Documents


UploadClients upload IDs and documents on Perfios' web app or on clients' portal


ExtractIn-house AI-powered OCR engine extracts and classifies the data available in the documents


VerifyA layer of data verification is added based on clients' requirements


ShareThe digitized and verified document is shared in real time with the client

Solution Differentiators

Bulk Scanning Capability

We offer batch uploads and provide 100% accurately digitized documents in the shortest time possible

Plug and Play

We help clients digitize documents instantly, saving them time and money

Widest variety of documents supported

Our platform supports digitization of bank statements, accounting documents, credit card statements, tax documents, invoices, salary slips, property documents, various forms, and all types of ID cards in all international languages

Supports all Quality Documents

The platform factors in the possibility of lower resolution, facial features of the local population, worn-out documents, shadowed, blurred or skewed images, etc to match human cognitive skills

Cost-Effective and Error-Free

Perfios delivers error-free digitized documents at the most competitive price to the world's top financial institutions

Get started with our Template-Agnostic Digitization Platform today